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Patrice TERRIER - zapsolution
8 route du chateau
Domaine de Rochagnon
38800 Champagnier - France

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First, let us say here, why we prefer to use SDK over anything else:

• Because it doesn't need any additional framework.
• Because it produces the smallest and fastest EXE code.
• Because it gives us direct access to the power of the core Windows API.
• Because it is stable, and uses a coding syntax that has not changed since a decade.
• Because it is the only common denominator to all the programming languages we are using.
• And because, once your learned it, then you learned it for ever!

Advanced SDK programming projects:

Move the cursor hover a specific thumbnail to display a short description. Clic with the left mouse button on the thumbnail to download the project. Use the magnify icon to display a full size preview.

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